EN 16899 standard includes requirements for parkour facilities.
Where can I download EN 16899 pdf? The standard is subject to copyrights and its distribution peer-to-peer is illegal. Standards can be purchased from national standardisation bodies’ shops, and they typically cost 100 – 300 € each.
Luckily, there are better options!

S2P is ISO 17024 accredited person certification body designated on delivering knowledge from the safety of playgrounds and recreational sports areas. Safe to Play Encyclopedia app is respected source of knowledge used by certified and other experts alike.
Experts are used to reading standards as lawyers are used to reading law texts. For the rest of us, Safe to Play app’s comfortable narration is more appealing.

The standard addresses the listed things.
EN 16899 Parkour facilities

Definitions are given for the following technical terms: Parkour, parkour equipment, clearance, competent person, critical fall height, enclosed passageway, entrapment, falling space, flow, free height of fall, groove, impact area, impact attenuating surface (IAS), landing, mechanical movement, movement, opening, portable, rails and bars, supervision, traceur, user.
Safety requirements are given for the following: Materials, structural integrity, foundations and groundwork, sporting ability, access restrictions to rails, bars and landings; accessible surfaces, profiles and edge chamfers, bars and rails, enclosed passage ways, movement and falling, clearances, entrapment, separation, dimensions, impact attenuating surface (IAS), maximum height, falling space, installation, inspection, maintenance, information sign, level mark, inspections, maintenance, operation, labelling, marking, Information to be provided by the manufacturer/supplier, test methods.
Standards are necessary legal link between reality and legislation. Same info can be found from Safe to Play app.